Invoicing Engine How to UseFinancial Documents
How to UseFinancial Documents
Financial Documents

Financial Documents

Last changed in 04/01/2023

The organizations that perform business transactions are required to communicate monthly the financial documents (Invoices, Simplified Invoices, Cash Invoices, Credit Notes and Debit Notes) to the Portuguese Tax Authority.

For this, two report options for the financial documents are available: via SAF-T or WebService. The SAF-T file gathers all of your company's fiscal and accounting information for a specific period. Besides this option, you can also process and send your financial information directly to the AT by WebService.

Communicating by WebService

To communicate a financial document to the AT by WebService, follow these steps:

Step 1: Configuring the access to AT services

  1. Access Taxes | Setup Taxes | Tax Settings ;
  2. Select the desired company;
  3. ClickEdit;
  4. Fill in the access codes to the AT website to submit invoices on the fields User and Password;
  5. Select the option Automatic or Manual on the field Financial Communication;
    If you wish to communicate immediately when saving the document, select the option Automatic. If you select the option Manual, the communication with the AT website is performed on request. In this case, the communication must be performed in Taxes Submit to Tax Authority.
  6. Finally, click Save.

Step2: Configuring the communication type with the WebService

The communication types are associated to the financial document series. To set up the document for communication by WebService, follow these steps:

  1. Access Setup | Documents | Invoice Types /Memo Types;
  2. Select the desired financial document from the presented list of documents;
  3. Click Edit;
  4. Select the desired series on the area Series;
  5. Select the option WebService on the column Communication Type;
  6. Finally, click Save.

Step 3: Creating a financial document

  1. Access Invoices or Credit and Debit Notes;
  2. Click Create;
  3. Specify the Customer on the corresponding field;
    Note: The fields Payment TermPayment MethodDate and Discount are automatically filled in.
  4. Click Save.

Please note that, when saving the document:

  • If the communication is set as Automatic, the document is communicated automatically;
  • If the communication is set as Manual, to communicate to the AT, you must:
    1. Access Taxes Submit to Tax Authority.
    2. Fill in the data interval to select the documents;
    3. Select the option Financial on the Document Type;
    4. Click Process.

Step 4: Validating the communication status

This option, available in Taxes | Communication Requests, allows to check the state of all AT communication requests (whether there were performed automatically or manually). If there was a communication error, it is necessary to process again the request to the AT in the option Submit to Tax Authority.

Communicating via SAF-T

You must communicate monthly the financial documents − Invoices, Simplified Invoices, Cash Invoices, Credit Notes and Debit Notes −, by sending the SAF-T (PT) file on the Portal das Finanças.

To communicate a financial document via SAF-T follow these steps:

Step 1: Configuring communication type as SAF-T

  1. Access Setup | Documents | Invoice Types (if you wish to set up an invoice) or Memo Types (if you wish to set up a credit or debit note);
  2. Select the financial document and click Edit;
  3. Select the desired Series;
  4. Select the option SAF-T on the column "Communication Type";
  5. Click Save.

Note: For the same document, you can have several series with different communication types.

Step 2: Creating a financial document

  1. Access Invoices or Credit and Debit Notes;
  2. Click Create;
  3. Select the Document Type and the Series previously set up on the corresponding fields;
  4. Fill in the field Customer;
    Note: The fields Payment Term and Payment Method are automatically filled in.
  5. In the area Products and Services, specify the Items and Quantity desired;
  6. Finally, click Save and Send.

Step 3: Creating a legal statement using the documents being communicated

  1. Access Taxes | SAF-T Files;
  2. Click Create;
  3. Select the optionInvoice on the field Purpose;
  4. Specify the date interval to filter the documents;
  5. Click Save.

Step 4: Extract SAF-T file and submit

To extract the SAF-T file and import it on the AT file, follow these steps:

  1. Access Taxes | SAF-T Files;
  2. Select the desired statement;
  3. Click the link Export SAF-T (PT) File;

Submit the file on the Portal das Finanças and, on the same page, download the response file.

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