V10 Dashboards
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How to create dashboards?

Last changed in 22/02/2021
This article applies to:
Public Sector

Dashboards are information panels that present metrics and important indicators to achieve goals set by the organization. These dashboards are designed in detail to streamline the interpretation of the data and of the information generated.

Available dashboards

In the ERP, different dashboards are made available with the goal of allowing to perform a set of analysis with a high added value on the different product functional areas. Besides, users with access to the Dashboard Designer can use the system dashboards as an incentive or as a starting point when creating their content.

The following information is a summary of the main characteristics for each one of these dashboards and the most relevant information regarding each functional area:

Sales: Global Analysis

This dashboard has the main goal of providing a general overview on the company sales performance, as well as its evolution in comparison to the same period of previous years.

Besides, it also allows to extract details that can justify the sales evolution, for example, the behavior of main customers, items and salespersons, as well as obtain analysis of the evolution of budgets and issued orders.

The sales dashboard has the following features:

  • Analysis perspective: concerning net values (budgeted, for orders and for sales), costs and margins;
  • Recipients: Managers, General Managers and Commercial Managers;
  • Parameters: year of analysis and currency.

Important details:

All content can be filtered. This means that, when a salesperson, item, customer, or country is selected, all data regarding margins, sales evolution, costs, comparisons, etc., are related to the selected entities. This allows to obtain a broader set of details regarding the desired analysis goal.

The sales evolution graph allows to drill-down Month/Zone/Customer, while still allowing to filter the data regardless of the detail level being analyzed.

Purchases: Global Analysis

The purchase dashboard has the main goal of providing a general overview on the company purchase performance, as well as its evolution in comparison to the same period of previous years.

It allows to extract details that can justify the purchases and returns evolution, for example, the behavior of main suppliers, items and purchase geographic distributions. Besides that, it also allows to obtain the analysis of the evolution of orders issued and comparison of purchases vs. credits.

The purchase dashboard has the following features:

  • Analysis perspective: concerns the net values;
  • Recipients: Managers, General Managers, and Purchase Managers;
  • Parameters: year of analysis and currency.

Important details:

All content can be filtered. This means that, when an item, supplier, or country is selected, all data regarding purchase evolution, orders, comparisons, etc., are related to the selected entities. This allows to obtain a broader set of details regarding the desired analysis goal.

The purchase evolution graph allows to drill-down the  Month/Country/District/Supplier, while still allowing to filter the data regardless of the detail level being analyzed.

In the information on the main suppliers, the column "Delivery Failures" is calculated according to the number of closed order document rows, in which the fulfilled quantity is inferior to the ordered quantity.

Inventory: Global Analysis

The inventory dashboard has the main goal of providing a general overview on the company inventory performance, as well as its evolution in comparison to the same period of previous years. This dashboard is divided in 3 different analysis parts:

  • General Analysis: allows to extract details that can justify the inventory evolution, for example, the inventory evolution in comparison to previous years, as well as access to a general performance overview regarding the number of processed documents and posted quantities. The item distribution is presented according to its ABC classification (turnover, that is, global quantities posted), the current inventory by stock state as far as quantities and values are concerned, in addition to a global needs analysis;
  • Item Analysis: the item distribution is presented according to its ABC classification, as well as most posted items in entries and issues, as far as quantities and values are concerned. There is also an area where the current inventory by item, the corresponding quantities and the stock value can be viewed;
  • Warehouse Analysis: presents information regarding the entries and issues postings, according to its timely delivery rate and fulfillment (rows completely fulfilled). The current position by warehouse, as far as quantities and inventory values are concerned, is presented.

The inventory dashboard has the following features:

  • Recipients: Managers, General Managers, and Logistics Managers;
    year of analysis and currency.

Important details:

All content can be filtered. This means that, when an item, warehouse, or ABC classification is selected, all data regarding the inventory evolution, items, warehouses, comparisons, etc., are related to the selected entities. This allows to obtain a broader set of details regarding the desired analysis goal.

The inventory evolution graph allows to drill-down the Month/Family/Subfamily/Item/Batch, while still allowing to filter the data regardless of the detail level being analyzed.

Similarly, the current inventory graph by stock state allows to drill-down the State/Warehouse/Location/Item, while still allowing to filter the data regardless of the detail level being analyzed.

In the Warehouse Analysis, the Entry and Issue graphs allow to drill-down by Warehouse. The graph for Inventory Value Distribution by Warehouse allows to drill-down by Warehouse/Location/Item/Stock state, while still allowing to filter the data regardless of the detail level being analyzed.

Global Financial Analysis

The Global Financial Analysis dashboard has the main goal of providing a general overview on the company financial performance, as well as its evolution in comparison to the same period of previous years.

Using the dashboard, it is possible to obtain the income and expenses evolution detail, for example, in comparison to the previous year and the importance of each concept, as well as obtain the Gross Margin, Operational Result, and Payables and Receivables Average Deadlines analysis.

The financial dashboard has the following features:

  • Recipients: Managers, General Managers, and Manager Controllers;
    year of analysis and currency.

Important details:

Some content can be filtered. This means that, if you select a specific period in the business volume, the data on the Operational Result and on Average Deadlines are related to the selected period. This way, it is possible to obtain a wide set of details according to the desired analysis goal.

Human Resources: Global Analysis

The Human Resources dashboard has the main goal of providing a general overview on the employee evolution, age, seniority, and gender distribution averages, as well as the evolution of these indicators over the years. The information regarding the Turnover KPI over the years is presented, with the average goal placed below 10% (the parameter can be adjusted).

Besides, there is a very important operation component with information regarding situations the HR Professional needs to monitor. Among these situations, contractual management stands out, and it is necessary to make a timely decision regarding the renovation of fixed-term contracts. It is also necessary to pay close attention to the renewal of long-term absences, and the employee needs to report all the important information.

The Human Resources dashboard has the following features:

  • Analysis perspective: evolution of permanent employees, turnover level, gender distribution, and operational deadlines to follow;
  • Recipients: HR Professional and General Managers;
  • Parameters: year of analysis.

Important details:

The Turnover KPI index is calculated based on the following formula:

% Global Turnover = ([number of exits]/[number of permanent employees at the end of the period])x100

Production Control

This dashboard has the main goal of controlling the evolution of the organization's productive area using the behavior overview of the set of indicators, such as: quantity deviation, failure rate, cost deviation, and downtimes.

In the Quantity Analysis dashboard, it is possible to perform an analysis of manufactured quantities (good and rejected) versus quantities being manufactured, as well as understand the failure rate evolution. In the Cost Analysis dashboard, it is possible to perform an analysis of expected costs versus actual costs and observe the evolution of the cost deviation over time.

Besides, using the downtime analysis, it is possible to see the annual/monthly evolution of the downtimes, as well as its distribution by work center, downtime type, and failure type.

This way, this dashboard allows, for example, the production manager to answer a wide range of questions, such as:

  • Is the cost deviation inside the defined parameters?
  • What is the evolution of the failure rate?
  • Which are the families of the most manufactured items?
  • How is the failure rate evolving? Has it increased or decreased in comparison to manufactured quantities?
  • Which is the item family that presents the highest cost deviations in comparison to the expected cost?
  • What is my cost's monthly evolution?
  • Which is the work center with the highest number of downtime hours?
  • Which is the type of failure that causes the biggest number of downtime hours?

This dashboard has the following features:

  • Recipients: Managers, Production Managers, Supervisors/Production Line Supervisors;

Important details:

There is a lateral filter that allows to view the information for the selected years/months. This filter is applicable to the content of all dashboards.

The quantities and costs evolution graphs allow to drill-down by month/item family, while still allowing to filter the data regardless of the detail level being analyzed, that is, by filtering these graphs, you are automatically filtering the other elements of the corresponding dashboards, regardless of the general year/month filter. To reset the original year/month filter, you must clear the active filters in these graphs.

The downtimes evolution graph allows to drill-down by month/work center, while still allowing to filter the data regardless of the detail level being analyzed, that is, by filtering this graph, you are automatically filtering the other elements of the corresponding dashboards, regardless of the general year/month filter. To reset the original year/month filter, you must clear the active filters in this graph.

For the work center tree report, the same principles are applicable and the drill-down is performed by failure type.

Create or edit dashboards

The dashboards design allows to custom the base content made available, as well as create new dashboards.

To create or edit dashboards, follow these steps:

Create or edit dashboards

  1. Access Backstage | Business Monitor | Dashboards;
    : You must ensure that you have the necessary permissions;
  2. A list with the existent dashboards will be presented. In this screen, besides the self-explanatory options, it is possible to perform the following operations:
    - Properties: access the general dashboard configuration;
    - Design: open the dashboard designer, and edit the selected dashboard;
    - View: open the dashboard viewer in the selected dashboard. In this area, all dashboards the user can access on the browser are presented;
  3. Click New or edit an existent dashboard using the option Properties, or by double clicking;
  4. On the presented screen, it is possible to perform the following operations:
    - Associate the dashboard to a group on the General tab;
    - Configure the user permissions in the Permissions tab. There are 3 types of permissions: Administrator (without restrictions), Reader (only allows to view the dashboard), and Employee (allows to view and edit the dashboard, however, it does not allow to clone, change permissions or change the schedule);
    - Define the dashboard update rules: this definition is particularly important for the dashboards whose data use an Extraction Source, and in this case, ECHO is the one responsible for updating the data in the schedule defined in this location.
    Note: The scheduling options are very comprehensive and self-explanatory.

Clone dashboards

The dashboard cloning uses the interface technique common to the ERP, that is, simply edit the dashboard being cloned, change the code and save.

With this operation, the dashboard is cloned and inherits all the configurations of the original dashboard.

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